Most of my young adult life I've been a sun nut, LOVED being tan, and laying out. When my tan faded I felt the ugly come on. Sunny vacations were chances for me to get as tan as physically possible. I never wore sunscreen to maximize my tan. I went tanning for gods sake! And after all the sun damage, pale has made it's long over due comeback! Hoorayyyy!
Tans are looking a bit trashy these days, no? So Cougartown, dirty and stripper pole. Avoid them at all costs. They age you. They disgrace you.
A little healthy glow is still okay in summer months and on vacations, but dark tans and extended sun bathing are giant no nos.
Check out all the celebs sporting beautiful Brenda/Kelly Beverly Hills: 90210 skin. It's a wonderful thing!!
Think Madmen. Think bold lipstick colors. Embrace light pink blushes to compliment that milky feminine complexion. Pale goes best with a full brow. Wear floral prints and cropped shirts. And now you can finally utilize adorable wide brimmed sun hats at the pool!
Best of all - pale skin is better for you!