Monday, September 21, 2009

The Many Faces of Luke Steele

I have formed a fascination with the person you see in the picture to the right. When the song Walking on a Dream came up in my Pandora mix I immediately wanted to know more about the band. I went to YouTube and searched for the song and got the link to the video. Not what I expected.

What I love about this video is how seriously this band is taking their theme. I think a lot of videos can be kind of boring when the band takes themselves too seriously trying to look cool. At first I thought that Empire of the Sun is committed to this theme but on a budget and a little misguided. However, I think that they could be just messing around. The more I watch this and their other videos the more intrigued I become. What exactly is the deal here? What function does the other dude play? I need info.

I turn to Google Images and Wikipedia and get answers. I find a million different pictures of him and also find out that he is married and has a daughter. Interesting and not what I expected.

His other band Sleepy Jackson has a much different sound and his look when playing with the band is much more typical. I also came across this interview which is totally different from his Empire of the Sun personality and he appears to be on some serious drugs. Again, no clue if this is all a big joke.
Recently he's been featured on What We Talkin' About from Jay Z's most recent album Blueprint 3. There's no question that Luke Steele is intriguing. He definitely has a sense of humor about himself but how far does it go? I'll be interested in learning more.

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